Pet Love
I have a 90lb pitbull-shepherd baby!! He loves to play and run and chew!!
A good multi toy is the Castor & Pollux Red Rover Rope Tug, with Tennis Ball and Handle
It's fun to play fetch and tug of war with even with a big dog like mine!
And if your dog is a crazy chewer like mine and in need of something to keep his jaws off your socks and furniture, look into the Greenies Smart Chew Non-Edible Dental Care Products
This is the Jumbo size for vigorous chewers like mine but they have a variety of sizes to fit different chew habits.
My dog is also a big shedder - dog hair gets everywhere if he is not brushed regularly!!! A really great brush is the Hartz Combination Dog Brush
It does double duty with the soft and wire brushes and my dog loves it!
And for those poopy moments theres the BioBag Dog Waste Bags
They are 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable allowing you to show mother earth some love at the same time.
Your Drugstore Mama
A good multi toy is the Castor & Pollux Red Rover Rope Tug, with Tennis Ball and Handle
It's fun to play fetch and tug of war with even with a big dog like mine!
And if your dog is a crazy chewer like mine and in need of something to keep his jaws off your socks and furniture, look into the Greenies Smart Chew Non-Edible Dental Care Products
This is the Jumbo size for vigorous chewers like mine but they have a variety of sizes to fit different chew habits.
My dog is also a big shedder - dog hair gets everywhere if he is not brushed regularly!!! A really great brush is the Hartz Combination Dog Brush
It does double duty with the soft and wire brushes and my dog loves it!
And for those poopy moments theres the BioBag Dog Waste Bags
They are 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable allowing you to show mother earth some love at the same time.
Your Drugstore Mama
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