Drugstore Mama


Shop the Essentials!!!

I don't know about you, but last winter was a blip for me. I was under the weather more than I had ever been in my life.

Admittedly, I think it had a lot to do with working way too much and not caring for myself way too much!

This year, I am in a new frame of mind. I need to enjoy the season, so I need to stay on top of my health.

I have found over the years that the "Tussin" cold medicines work the best for me and my crew to nip a cough in the bud.

Rite Aid Tussin DM Cough Formula for Children and Adults

There have been new reports that echinacea did not prove effective in lab studies, well in my home study, it proved very effective. I coughed up the dough to buy them but not much else after taking the drops as instructed and I AM A BELIEVER that it works. To each their own but you never know until you try for yourself!

One to try at a good price is Nature's Resource Zinc with Echinacea Lozenges in Sweet Lemon Flavor

Your Drugstore Mama!